EST | 2019
Jackass Ridge
Improvement Project
Truckee Dirt Union adopts a legendary town lap through a Volunteer Trail Agreement with USFS, with support from Truckee Trails Foundation, and launches an iterative community stewardship and user-education program powered by volunteers.
After decades of social trail building in the Jackass Ridge area by some of TDU’s core trail crew leaders and partners, Truckee Trails Foundation and the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) worked together to adopt the Jackass trail into the USFS trail system in 2014, setting the stage for a renaissance of trail development on Jackass Ridge. In 2019, Truckee Trails Foundation and partners built the A-1 trail on Jackass Ridge.
Later in 2019, TDU founding members presented their vision for an innovative community stewardship model to the U.S. Forest Service Truckee Ranger District. TDU’s unique model was born from comparative analysis, case-study research, and discussions with several successful community stewardship platforms across North America. The model seeks to add value to Truckee’s current stewardship framework by creating a robust Volunteer Trail Force to help cultivate positive outcomes.
TDU quickly took shape first launching a user-awareness campaign to help preserve access to trail networks when threats of national closures were suggested. Learn More
Soon after, TDU launched an iterative volunteer stewardship concept focused on cultivating community engagement and collaboration in pursuit of creating authentic, case-specific trail experiences.
TDU is tracking trail use, managing a robust Volunteer Trail Force, hosting annual community stewardship experiences & collabs, and reimagining the trail network iteratively as erosion evolves and trail-user lines take new shapes.
Through iterative refinement, TDU shapes and reshapes the trail throughout the season, as erosion issues present themselves. When snow-pack moisture evades, and soil degradation occurs during drier weather cycles, MTB trails become blown-out and usage drops dramatically. Through trail framing, refinement, and collaboration, TDU has created a testing ground for implementing new ideas creating an improved trail frame that holds good form all-season long.
TDU is working to cultivate “Singletrack Radness” on Jackass Ridge. The success of the initiative is measured by an up-tick of high-fives, human-connection, and smiles. It’s this sharp focus that differentiates TDU.
TDU intends to optimize Jackass Ridge building out a modern mountain bike community hub complete with session-able, lunch-lap-trails that work into our modern schedules, and are rideable from doorsteps in the heart of Truckee.
TDU’s value add reverberates around improved access, user responsibility, and community cultivation. Overall, TDU seeks positive outcomes for mountain biking in Truckee. Jackass Ridge, is a case-study of TDU’s community stewardship concept and greater potential, which TDU aims to codify, and replicate across Truckee’s fabled MTB trails as time and opportunities prevail.
TDU is collaborating with USFS, Truckee Trails Foundation, and the original trail creators to build, cultivate, and support a robust community stewardship program.
TDU re-routed and refined the exit routes of Jackass Trail (Donkey Town) and A-1 (El Burro) to create a cohesive flowy-fun, mini-ramp trail experience rooted in lessening environmental impact to snowpack runoff and nearby streams that flow downstream.
TDU collaborated with Truckee Trails Foundation (TTF) and Visit Truckee-Tahoe (VTT) tourism board to arrange funding in 2021 for crew leaders to carry out improvements. TDU thanks TTF and VTT for the funding.
TDU created a “Tool Fund” and founding members charged the fund to purchase Volunteer Trail Force tools.
TDU collaborated with Truckee bike shops Pacos, Tahoe Sports Hub, and Cyclepaths to help support TDU crew leaders and the Volunteer Trail Force.
TDU created a sensitive trail reroute project called “Captain Caveman” avoiding potentially sensitive archeological findings. The TDU took the Captain Caveman opportunity to demonstrate how to make the most out of every square inch of vertical relief to create a beginner-level skill development trail using the Volunteer Trail Force.
TDU has hosted 11 Volunteer Trail Force stewardship events and has organized, tracked, implemented, and reported over 1,500 volunteer labor hours to USFS in 2019 & 2022.
TDU has added and improved trail features from the top, to-the-bottom of Truckee’s fabled town-lap “Jackass Trail aka: Donkey Town” and we continue to service this trail on weekly intervals.
TDU was requested to submit two trail build concept proposals by USFS to spread users out and to improve access. Approximately 3,500-5,000 laps-per-week were tracked during busy use seasons. TDU submitted improvement proposals and is seeking next steps.
ESTD | 2020
Social Messaging Advocacy
Truckee Dirt Union launches @thebeastofloam messaging campaign on instagram to heighten mountain bike user awareness and public land stewardship in Tahoe’s outdoor spaces.
Trail user participation in the outdoors has increased exponentially over the last two years. Truckee Dirt Union aims to help improve mountain bike trail user responsibility by sharing short-form social content posts encouraging new mountain bike trail users to adopt tried-and-true outdoor practices.
“The Beast of Loam” moniker was created to be the voice of MTB. By creating a fictitious character, TDU hopes to build a committed and authentic audience relationship seeking to activate and build positive character traits amongst the mountain bike user group. The Beast of Loam is the animal spirit of the moondust trails.
The Best of Loam messaging platform seeks to define a revived sense of purpose on our mountain bike trails. By expressing common sense practices, essential courtesy, and human kindness, TDU aims to educate and elevate new trail users in the most approachable way possible.
ESTD | 2020
Community Collaborations
Truckee Dirt Union is working to collaborate with individuals, clubs, businesses, trail builders, agencies, riders, organizations, teams and athletes seeking common ground in outdoor spaces.
TDU is proactively seeking collaborations on projects and collabs that embrace TDU’s mission of “creating positive outcomes for mountain biking” in and around Truckee, CA.
TDU aims to establish common ground on projects that permit mountain bike specific use and multi-use trail builds that foster human connection, provide flow state stoke, and cultivate a healthy and grounded community.
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Tahoe Area Mountain Biking Association
TDU is planning collaborations with TAMBA on projects close to Truckee for Summer 2022.
TDU is working to collaborate with TDR to create improved synergy between motorcycle trail users and mountain bike trail users. Currently we have engaged in successful brainstorm discussions, and we are currently seeking a mutually beneficial collaboration.
Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship
TDU is aiming to assist SBTS and TDR on the East Zone Connectivity Project as part of the “Connected Communities” initiative.
TDU is currently collaborating with TTF on the Donkey Town project. TTF systemized the Jackass Trail and created A-1 making it possible to form the Volunteer Trail Force.
TDU is pursuing collaborative efforts with High Fives Foundation to help reimagine ADA mountain bike trail experiences from the lens of a High Fives Athlete.
TDU communicates with TDLT annually to remain apprised of the bigger picture. TDU aims to be a resource and community collaborator with TDLT when an opportunity arises.
California Mountain Biking Coalition
TDU is an active member of California Mountain Biking Coalition to help create positive progress statewide.
TDU is collaborating at Donner State Park with Truckee Donner Land Trust and CA State Parks to rework sections of JPs Trail.
TDU is working with VTT to help heighten awareness about sustainable recreation and VTT is supporting the TDU’s annual “Stewards of the Loam” event.